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2015 Musette

Musette is doing great and we’re super happy to have her. She’s eating and drinking and using the litter box normally. We still have her in our bedroom, but every day there’s development. She’s bonding really well with both Mark and I, and whenever we come in the room, she’s looking for a petting! 🙂 She’s definitely getting more comfortable and is more exploratory and playful. She’s discovered the joy of playing with toys– quiet ones, anyway. She’s still not a fan of the ones that rattle. She’s also started using her voice and will have mini “conversations” with us when we talk to her. She’s super sweet and affectionate, and we’re really enjoying her. 🙂 I’ve attached a picture of her, looking adorable as usual. 😉

Thanks so much for all that you did for her!
Betsy & Mark